Interface Technologies  
Products & Services

ITL provides state-of-the-art Physical Access Control Solutions using Biometric technology, Proximity Card Recognition, Mifare & Smartcard Technology, etc. These solutions integrate seamlessly with networkable CCTV Surveillance Systems (with Digital/ Analog Recording), Turnstiles and Automatic Gate Access Control Systems, multiple Door Control Hardware options, Automatic Fire Alarm systems, Duress Alarm technology, Guard Tour Monitoring systems, Visitors Management Systems and Time and Attendance Management Systems.

Our Security management system is supported by open architecture software with basic features including: Photo ID Badging, Guard Tour, Elevator Control, Workstation Event Filtering, CCTV Camera Surveillance & Control, Interactive Animated Graphic Maps, Report Management (including 'Who Is In'), Enhanced System Communications, Staff Assessment (Time & Attendance) Solutions,a Pager System Interface, HVAC (Facility/ Industrial Equipment) Control, TCP/IP Communications, Global I/O Linking, Multimedia Alarm Annunciation, Multiple Locations (each with up to 50,000 Cardholders), Multiple Readers (Contact/ Proximity, Biometric) per Location, Card Holder Management Reports.

cctv surveillance systems
ITL offers scalable real-time CCTV surveillance monitoring systems, with high quality and highly interactive video control hardware & software, providing motion detection, pan, tilt and zoom features. Such video images can be stored on conventional video cassettes or in digital form on Digital Video Recorders or computer hard disks.

These solutions readily interface with our physical access control system for visual verification and monitoring of secure facilities.

biometric identification systems
Areas where more sensitive activities transpire, or where more sensitive equipment are stored require more effective security management, which is why ITL has provided unbeatable biometric identification systems. These readers provide infallable identification systems by fingerprint verification, with less than 1 second average verification time and supporting thousands of users.

The fingerprint identification solution can be provided in various combinations with other recognition systems such as with keypad or card recognition. Apart from control of access through entrances, readers provided by ITL can be used to control virtually all electronic/ electrical devices, from conventional lighting systems to heavy industrial machinery.

time & attendance monitoring
Company losses not only result from unnecessary expenditure on contracts, projects and other corporate functions, but also from erroneous judgment of staff performance and consequent inaccurate payroll administration. This makes the need for investment in Time & Attendance Monitoring solutions not only expedient, but also vital.

Our Time & Attendance Management System provides features such as Basic Attendance Management, Reports Management, T&A System Operator Security, System Password Protection & Access Levels, Multiple Clocking Options (Contact, Contactless, Fingerprint), Clocking Events Monitoring, Automatic Data Backup, Assignable User Policies, Optimization for Multi-User Environment.

guard tour monitoring
The Guard Tour Management feature is a simple and inexpensive addition to any propritary guard service. The software allows for a user to define a route for a security guard to follow on his shift. With its real-time reporting feature, the system alerts the operator if a guard fails to arrive at a tour station within a pre-defined time period.

The operator can also check time of arrival at each tour station; and all activity is automatically logged by the system and can later be generated in a report.

automatic gate control
Our readers come in various recognition patterns and ranges, and seamlessly control relays powerful enough to control heavy vehicle entrance gates, facilitating control of movement of vehicles in and out of car parks, garages, etc. We have special card readers, for example, that sense cards (which can be attached to the body of particular vehicles) as they approach the gate and automatically raise the boom or slide the gate (as the case might be) to grant access if such vehicles are pre-registered in the system software.

Turnstiles can be a crucial security installation in situations where it is required that only one person is allowed entry into a secure region at a time, or in situations where painstaking care must be taken that persons to not enter (or exit) the premises with particular tagged equipment or with metallic objects.

ITL provides such scalable solutions, depending on the nature of security required, to ensure that breaches that may be encountered as a result of 'tailgating' will be avoided.

alarms / motion detection systems
Our alarm monitoring and motion detection systems provide effective alerting features in the event of security breaches, from alarm reporting of oversight in leaving secure doors ajar, to reporting of detection of motion around restricted areas. Reporting can be, depending on the level of the breach, in the form of errors reported to the monitoring system, sound alarms or discrete messaging systems to pagers devices and/or cellular phones. Our motion detection systems also provide for automatic access facilities on detection of motion close by.

visitors management systems
First impressions count. And is there a better place to make a strong impression about your company than at the visitors' reception? ITL proposes to install the VisiBadge Visitor Management solution for your reception; it will impress your visitors far more than an old, carbon-based visitors' register. VisiBadge will enable you to control visitors and contractors in a more professional and streamlined manner, whilst ensuring important Health & Safety conformity and information. The benefits over old, carbon based paper systems are obvious - none more so than a massive 50% saving on your ongoing consumable costs.

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